
Microsoft Dynamics 365 & PowerApps Developer - Plugin Development and Deployment using Plugin Registration Tool in the Microsoft Dynamics 365

   Steps to Develop Plugin: ➤ Create a new Class Library project for C#. ➤ Download the required assemblies using NuGet Package Manager  ➔   Microsoft.Xrm.SDK.dll ➤ Add a reference to this SDK DLL in the project. ➤ You can implement the IPlugin Interface from the reference assembly. Example: Scenario : On creating a new contact and adding the First Name and Last Name , when the user clicks on the save button I want to auto-populate some fields in this example I am auto-populating the Personal Notes so the plugin will populate the Personal Notes automatically. Sample Code: ➤This sample code is updating the description field on the creation of new contacts and filling the description field with the string "Hello" then full name or first name and last name. ➤So for this, we are first creating the context from the Service Provider then getting the Target entity from the context and fetching the first name last name, or full name from the context , and stored in the s...

Microsoft Dynamics 365 & PowerApps Developer - Plugins in the Microsoft Dynamics 365

  Plugins: ➤ The plugin is a class library with custom code which we compile and generate DLL files that run on server events. ➤ Service Events are like Create, Update, Delete, etc of specific record types. ➤ In the Dynamics terminology, we can say that Event is a Message. Example: On entering the revenue field of the contact record you want to perform some tax-related complex calculations automatically. The flow of plugin build: ➤ Write custom code as plugin ➔ Build the Custom code and generate DLL ➔ Upload DLL files to Microsoft cloud ➔ Register them on some specific events. Plugin Pipeline Stages: ➤  Pre-Validation: In this stage, security checks are being performed to verify the calling and logged-on user has the correct permissions to perform the intended operation. ➤  Pre-Operation: This will execute before the main operation. plugin registered in this stage is executed within the database operation. ➤    Main Operation: This contains the main operations...

Microsoft Dynamics 365 & PowerApps Developer - Creating Publisher and Solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365?

How to  Create Publisher and Solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365: A CRM solution is nothing but a set of customizations that you can import and export. We customize the components within a Custom solution. For creating any entity any attribute is strongly recommended that we need to create a custom solution and do your customization within the solution. Before creating a new solution we need to create a  Publisher , so Publisher is nothing but a record for a profile of a company means the publisher is nothing like a company that is responsible to customize the solution so Publisher means the company profile. ➤ Go to Settings ➔ Customizations ➔ Publisher ➤ Click on the New ➤ Fill the required information ➔ click on Save and Close. ➤ Display Name ➔ Company Name (for now we are adding a company with the name ABC Company ) ➤ Prefex ➔ is used for all custom attributes, custom fields, and relationship names. for example, if we are creating an entity then the...

How to create business rules in Microsoft Dynamics 365?

➤   Before starting this tutorial please visit my other blog related to the Business Rule definition. Steps to create Business Rule: ➤     Login to your  Microsoft Dynamics Account . ➤   Go to  ➤  Power Platform Admin Center ➤   Select your  environment . ➤   Select Tables from the left menu. ➤   Select your table from the table list. ➤   This will open the table details page. ➤   First you need to add a field to the Passenger table to create Business rules using this field. ➤   Select Add Column. ➤   Fill the required fields and press the done button. ➤   Add another field using the same process. ➤   Now click on the Save Table button to save the entity. ➤   Click on the  Business rules tab and select Add Business rule th...

What are business rules in Microsoft Dynamics 365?

Definition: ➤   Business Rules are basically server-side logic that is used with canvas or model-driven apps to set or clear values in one or many columns in a table . ➤   Business Rules are also used to validate stored data or show error messages . ➤   Business Rules provide a powerful way to enforce rules , set rules , or validate data regardless of the form that is used to input data. ➤   Business Rules are effective in helping to increase the accuracy of data , simplify application development and streamline forms presented to end-users. ➤   In Microsoft Dynamics 365 the Model-driven apps can use Business Rules to: show or hide columns enable or disable columns create recommendations based on business intelligence Note: ➤   Business Rules  are  usually defined for the  table and apply to all forms . ➤   Business Rules can define for specific model-driven form . ➤   Canvas apps cannot have a bus...